A second window for abstract submissions is now open! Please find more information below.
Thank you to all those who have submitted an abstract already; we will be in touch by the end of January.
Submissions accepted until 28th February 2025.
Submission guidelines
We encourage applications for presentations and posters in the following areas:
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Marine Cloud Brightening
Seabed Curtains
Sea Ice Thickening
Space Sun Shades
Other Arctic Repair Topics (e.g. glacier drainage, land surface albedo enhancement, cirrus cloud thinning, ocean foaming etc.)
Abstract submissions should be limited to max. 300 words, and they should be accompanied by a short biography (max 200 words). Proposals must be in English and indicate which area(s) the abstract should be considered. The submission must include the applicant’s name, affiliation, and email address.
Please send abstract submissions via email to conference@climaterepair.cam.ac.uk.
If successful, you will be asked to submit a concept paper (if you have proposed a paper) of around 2000 words by 1 March 2025.
When registering for the conference, you can add poster printing to your ticket (A0 size). Please see Register page for more information on tickets, concessions, and bursaries.
How can we protect the Arctic in an era of rapid warming caused by human action - and who should decide?
Ethics and Governance
Rising temperatures are affecting all of us but locally deployed climate interventions impact communities. Who should have the ultimate say on intervention deployment? And is it fair? This session delves into the ethics of climate repair.
Marine Cloud Brightening
How can brighter clouds help mitigate rising ocean temperatures? In this session, we will discuss latest technologies, modelling and real-world insights on Marine Cloud Brightening research.
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Mount Pinatubo measurably cooled the climate 33 years ago. Can we do the same? This session will focus on the latest research and modelling into this revolutionary method of simulating the after-effects of super volcanoes to cool the planet.
Other Interventions
How can we protect the Arctic ice that is already there? This session will delve into the innovative interventions that are being researched across the globe. Ice thickening, seabed curtains, sun shades, ocean foaming... how else can we protect the Arctic?
The future of
Arctic repair
This session will discuss how climate repair fits into conversations on the global stage and the potential paths to implementation. With solutions needed now, public attitudes will determine the success of current and future research.